For those who wonder, I am from Athens. I was born and grew up there. So I am a bit picky when it comes to great Athenian spots.

Spa area

Spa area

Spa area

Spa area
However, The Margi hotel definitely deserves a place in my great Athenian spots list!

A cute bicycle is welcoming all arriving guests

A cute bicycle is welcoming all arriving guests
The magical spa area truly won me over. It is definitely an ideal place to overcome any stressful thoughts and take a break from your exhausting daily routine.

Spa area

Spa area

Spa area

Spa area

Spa area

Spa area
The outdoor pool is equally magical and potentially one of the most attractive swimming pools in Athens.

Double room

Double room
Its location is also unique – literally a few steps from the beach which makes you forget you are in Athens. And at the same time, it is not extremely far from Athens centre.

Pool area

Pool area
So who would say no to a cold glass of Greek white wine by The Margi’s pool? Definitely not me!! Find out more here.

Double room

Double room

Pool area

Pool area